The Cetaphil product that we are doing is the Cetaphil Daily Facial Moisturizer with SPF 15. This is a daily moisturizer that is suitable for all skin types. It can be applied under makeup or after shaving to improve your skin's ability to retain vital moisture. This product also has SPF 15 sun protection, it is very minimal but it can still protect you from UVA and UVB rays.
Problem Statement
They didn't fully utilize on how they market their product. They could have target first time male users as a new market.
Target Audience
18- 25 y/o
Lives in Urban, Semi-urban, metropolitan
Couple, Single
Chinese, Malay, Indian
Cares about their looks and takes care of their skin.
Cleans their skin daily
In their puberty
Users who started using skin care products
Users who are committed to achieving good skin
Users who are unfamiliar with cetaphil.
Face washing is the extend of skin care.
Advertising Objective
The objective of this campaign is to raise sales by 20% amongst the target group in the end Q3 2021.
Concept and Idea
While hydrated with Cetaphil daily moisturizer you can achieve more.
Visual Idea
For our visuals we wanted to convey the message that this moisturizer can hydrate any kinds of skin/ skin type. So we used dried or rough texture/items as an analogy to represent dried and all types of skin types.
Social media
We chose social media because that’s where the younger users are, especially Instagram. Almost 67% of Instagram users age from 18 to 34 years old.

Security Sleeve
Security sleeve was the first medium we had in mind, because how effective it can get when it comes to product advertising. We chose to place these security sleeves at drug stores such as Watsons and Guardian because that where most Malaysian go to buy their toiletries, cosmetics, medicine or any self care related products. We found out through our consumer insights that some first time male skin care users may walk into the store without any prior research or preferred brand. So these security sleeve can inform and influence their buying decision before they even step into the store.

Website banner
We wanted to put up website banner because in everyone’s buying decision process they most likely to go through a ‘research’ stage where they will do research and seek reviews/recommendation before buying a product. By placing website banners, we may influence their buying decision in advance.
Digital Billboard
Digital Billboards are great alternatives to traditional billboard because they can draw more attention via the animation. We chose digital billboard cause they’re found all over city centers and urban areas where most of our target audience resides.
Video Advertisement
For this video ad we wanted to advertise on Youtube because most young people watches Youtube for skincare tutorial and recommendation. So placing one of these ads before they watch those skincare routine can help exposing our brand to them.