Started during August 2015 in Indonesia, J&T is a logistic/courier services formed by Jet Lee and Tony Chen. In 2017, they expanded their business to Malaysia and Vietnam. As of January 2020, J&T has over 350 drop points in Malaysia alone. “Ever since the pandemic hits Malaysia during March 2020, more malaysian have turned to e commerce platforms to make their purchases.This lead to a 40 percent increase in demand for our courier services.” -Johnny Huang, IT Project Manager of J&T
Problem Statement
It’s not the preferred brand for many people due to bad experience and also because it's a new courier service.
Target Audience
20-30 years old
Male and Female
Low Income and Middle Income
Lives in Urban, Semi-urban, metropolitan
Education level: Undergraduate, High School
Chinese, Malay, Indian
Prefers using online platform
Online shopping habit
They want their parcel to receive/deliver safely and fast
Prefers cheapest option for j&t
They mainly shop in local online stores.
Concept and Idea
They can trust us because we handle their parcel with extra care.
Advertising Objective
This campaign objective is mainly to gain the consumers trust and make J&T their preferred brand.
Visual Idea
We wanted the customer to trust us because we handle our packages with extra care, so the visual we used something fragile like eggs as an analogy to represent we can take care our parcel even the items is as fragile as an egg. We also used different types of eggs to represent that we can deliver all kinds of parcels.
Shopee Pop-up Advertisements
We decided to advertise on Shopee because Shopee is one of J&T partnered brands. There are many delivery options on shopee but we want the customers to choose and try our service when they make their purchases.

Social Media
Advertising on social media is an essential because J&T is a courier service that focuses on online businesses and shopping platform. By having an active social media accounts, it may attract potential new customer and potential followers to create a bigger community.
We chose billboards as one of our medium because billboards are a quick way to gain exposure from not only our target audience but also the masses and our potential customers.
Vehicle Wrap
Vehicle wraps are also quick way to gain exposure as well due to J&T having so many delivery trucks on the highway everyday, it can easily reach our target audience because most of them are likely to drive. Even if they don’t drive, these J&T trucks are quite common in residential area.
Parcel Sticker
We chose parcel stickers because we wanted to reach a wider audience. Most people are somewhat familiar with J&T due to Shopee, but what about those that doesn’t use Shopee? Those who received J&T parcel for the first time may return to use J&T after some brand exposure.